my first garden

my first garden

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tomato Cages

I asked Carolyn (Kenyon Organics owner) how she supports her million and one tomato plants. I thought there is no way she would buy cages for all of them with how much they cost. She told me what she does and I did it.

Meditation in the Garden

Yesterday I finished my last final for the quarter around 1:00. I called my husband to tell him I passed and he said, "go do something fun for yourself". I drove straight from school to Kenyon Organics. I picked up green pepper starters, eggplant starters and a few spreadable flowering plants. I was able to talk to Carolyn (owner) for a little bit about my garden and how it was doing. I was so excited to get home and plant my new starters and spend some time in my garden. I spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the sun and the dirt between my fingers and toes. (i like to garden barefoot)
I guess my point here is that I LOVE TO GARDEN. I love everything about it. From pulling the pesky weeds to watching one tiny seed grow into my dinner for the season. It's become an escape for me from the rest of the world.... like meditation.


Not many people have heard about the cabbage called Kohlrabi... my husband tried it for the first time last summer and loved it. I planted 6 starter plants this year and have to say it's my favorite vegetable EVER! It's like a hidden treasure know one knows about. Mike "my neighbor" and I are so excited about it. We are going to plant at least 10 plants next year.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Broccoli Delight

I have to say that I am very impressed with my garden. Everything is flourishing. I have harvested my spinach 4 times as of yesterday and am harvesting my broccoli tonight. I had a taste of it earlier to make sure it was ready and it was DELICIOUS!! There would be no reason to butter it up... it was that good.
On another note, I have to make another snail trap. I have only seen one snail in my garden (next to the trap) and realized it was to big to fit in the hole.
Last week I bought wall-o-water's for 4 of my tomato plants. I was out of town and was afraid to leave them unprotected. They love their little plastic homes. They have grown so much. I'm so happy for them.
I visited Kenyon Organics last week (were I bought 4 out of 6 tomato plants) and picked up fertilizer called Worm Tea. So far it has been amazing. If you are interested check out their website. I also will be working there throughout the summer in trade for plants. I'm more excited for the knowledge then the plants!